Present throughout France, the Prim’Holstein is the French breed with the largest population.
It is a large-framed specialized dairy breed with a high milk production capacity. In 2014: average production: 9300kg of milk in 355 days; Fat: 39.1g/l; Protein: 31.9g/l.
It is able to make exceptional use of forage.
The excellent genetic potential of the bulls, originating from French breeding schemes, places them among the best in the official international Interbull classification.
The young beasts which are not destined for milk production offer excellent performance as veal calves, weaned calves and young bulls, in particular when crossed with beef breed bulls.
We supply Weaner calves, Cattle for slaughtering and breeding stock.
Contact us directly and tell us what you need, we will get straight back to you with the best offer.